Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Tide is High

I was looking out on the beach and saw a giant wave form and crest, knocking a wedding off kilter. The bride and her bridesmaids were running up the beach to stay dry. Some of their friends were trying to move the tent, with dinner set up, to higher ground. 

The scene became more and more chaotic. The tide was really high and waves were now crashing into my home. I couldn't believe how aggressive they were. Water was getting all over my wood floors. Neighbors were going nuts. Someone started trying to put pieces of wood planks over the windows. There were tons of people in my apartment - some strangers, some neighbors, and some people from the wedding party. I noticed a gift box, probably for the wedding. There were trinkets in there as well as someone's passport. I decided to save it and I'd hopefully call the person once it subsided. Percy, the cat, was standing on her hind legs and meowing for me to pick her up. The waves kept coming.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

It's Good to be the King

I was at some sort of reading. May have been for Michelle. She was there, as was Mel, Lois, Max, Kevin, etc. There was some sort of panel afterwards and Stephen King was on that. When that ended, Mr. King was sitting by himself in a corner, and I was talking to the gang. Kevin picked me up by my boots and carried me over to Stephen King, depositing me on his lap. One of my boots came off - it was carmel-colored and had a little heel. Stephen King said, "This is quite an introduction!" and he was laughing, but I was so embarrassed. I moved over to the empty chair next to him. We started talking and making each other laugh. At one point, someone from one of my classes came over to me and started talking about her work. It was insufferably boring. I finally interrupted her and said, "Excuse me, I'm in the middle of a conversation." King and I continued talking and then another student, a guy, came over and started yammering to me. This time, Stephen King excused himself and walked away. I was so mad. The guy finally shut up and I put my boot back on just as Stephen was coming back.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

War and Grape Seed Oil

Was living somewhere other than L.A. Maybe Israel? I had just moved there and was unpacking boxes. A roommate and her mother came to the door and started unpacking their things when all of a sudden war planes were overhead and tons of tankers were driving by. It was so sudden and unsettling. The roommate said, "Now is the time that they are going to force us to consume only grape seed oil." I didn't understand. She clarified that too much of that oil can cause breast cancer and that's why they were forcing us to consume it. I was frustrated that I was so far from home and unable to speak to my parents. I kept thinking that I usually consumed olive oil so perhaps I wouldn't have so much grape seed oil in my system.