Sunday, October 5, 2014

Will You Please Be Quiet, Please?!

I was teaching and having to scream over all the talking. Two students brought babies into class, and others were doing their art in the middle of the table. I was trying to lecture on a reading assignment. Nobody was listening. 

One of the students stood and started packing up her stuff. She walked out the door but before she officially left, she said, "Ms. Clark? Could you remind me what's due next week? I have to leave early," and I said, "It's the midterm next week." She had tons of stuff she was carrying out of the room. One thing was so giant it looked like a body bag. She was Latina. As I was lecturing her about leaving early, another student, an older guy, came up to me. She left, and he started asking me questions about the students and asking why there were so many babies in class today, and I was getting really furious at all the noise and everyone misbehaving, and then he kissed me, and I said, "Y'know, that's just part of the misbehaving, you can't kiss me." I wasn't sure if the other students saw. 

Then I went back to the table and at the top of my voice yelled that they had to put everything away, all scissors, all colored paper, all art, everything. The guy who kissed me was on one side of me, and a girl was on the other. I picked up their hands and was going to make a joke about the unions, a la Sally Fields, but then the three of us started singing, "Can you hear the people sing..." from Les Miserables and we were marching in place, singing at the top of our lungs, and the guy leaned over and kissed my cheek, and I squeezed his hand and said, "You did it again..."

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