I was with Jen (sister) at a restaurant, which may have been the club at Mountaingate. I'd collected mail at Mom and Dad's house, and a bunch of envelopes were addressed to me. I opened one and it was from John Perry, the business manager. I began to read it out loud to Jen. It was written to Dad even thought the envelope was made out to me. It thanked him for supporting John on his career change, and move to another city. I was confused because I didn't know he'd moved. Then he wrote that he thought I was awesome (and he wrote "awesome" in big, bubble letters) but he had to tell Dad about the lie I'd been overheard saying. He said his friend was on a plane recently and overheard me talking to someone on that plane and he felt it was his duty to tell Dad. Jen was like, "Yeah, yeah...what was the lie?" I said I had no idea but maybe it had to do with Max. I couldn't remember what flights I'd been on recently but then remembered I'd gone to NY. There was another big page of the letter outlining the lie, and just as I was about to read it, I woke up!
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